Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Two months!

I can't believe it's already been 2 months since I got my braces! To be completely honest, I sometimes forget that I have braces. My friends forget that I have braces because they are hard to see. They are not as bad as I thought they were going to be and I am loving the results that I am seeing so far!

Last month when I got my braces rewired, Dr. Capio put in a spring to move my teeth adjacent to my snuggle tooth to make some room for it to move forward. Yesterday, there was enough room for him to put a slingshot on that tooth and so its going to be moving forward. That was the biggest "problem" of my smile and this is a big moment for me. I think next month it will finally be in line with all the rest of my teeth!

The maintenance hasn't been too difficult. The braces has really gotten me to have better dental hygiene than I had before braces which is also really awesome. I purchased a waterpik to help, but I think dental floss works so much better! I will talk about my favorite cleaning options more later!