Tuesday, August 25, 2015

6 months to an even better smile!

Throughout my life, I have always been told that I had a great smile and it isn't because I have perfectly straight, white teeth. It's because it's big and I am usually happy! I remember wanting braces when I was younger, but because my teeth weren't super crooked, it was never really a necessity. 

Earlier this month, my dentist, Dr. Capio,  asked me a simple question- "How would you like to have straight teeth by your next dental visit?" I was already a couple months behind for my routine cleaning and I felt like I was just at the dentist, so it really got me thinking! The answer was yes! I would love to straighten my teeth in just six months. So I made an appointment and got braces! 

I was really excited about today. I went to the dentists office and ran into one of my best friends! It was a great way to start off my braces experience. 

I didn't know what to expect when Dr. Capio started. The whole procedure was actually better than I thought. I actually thought it would be more painful and I even asked if "that was it?"  I left the office feeling awesome! I took this picture to send to my family who were waiting to see what I looked like. 

I met up with my friend who was watching my two year-old daughter,  Emilia for me (Thank you Jessi!) and had lunch. I ordered the soup and some chicken salad. When I was done with my soup, I tried a bite of the chicken salad and it was a weird experience to chomp down for the first time. I was worried something would happen! This was the first time I felt some pain. It was from the braces rubbing against the sides of my mouth. Dr. Capio gave me some wax for this occasion, so the pain went away rather quickly. 

It's been almost 12 hours since I've had my braces. So far:

  • I love how these 6 month braces are clear and not that noticeable.
  • I am excited for straight teeth in around six months.
  • I've already had food stuck in my teeth, but it's actually quite fun to pick it out. 
  • I am embracing the fact that I have braces. I think it will take some time getting used to. 

I am really excited about getting braces. I think this will be a fun journey to a straight smile! So brace yourself and follow me on my journey! 


  1. Nice blog post, Kimmy. Can't wait to follow the adventure. Love, Ate
